A "S"-shaped curve made out of two opposing arcs. It is commonly found in drawings and architectural designs. You may ask what does it have anything to do with beauty? The answer is: it has everything to do with beauty.
If you look closely on any young women's facial features, particularly on the side view, the high cheek bone sets the top half the "S" shape and the lower face forms the bottom half of the "S" shape of this curvature.
The Ogee curve on a person's face is associated with youthfulness and beauty. If you open any pages of fashion magazines, check out the side views of models and you will notice the Ogee curves, whether these be natural or cosmetically enhanced. The art is not to over do it and it is important to compliment the Ogee Curves to the natural features of an individual.
Below are a set of photos taken with permission, courtesy to one of our staff member, Melanie.
Have a look at her photos from 2011 (Before) and 2015 (After).
Melanie is in her mid twenties and she is noticing the lack of cheek volume and the lost of Ogee curves in the upper and mid cheeks. I can rebuild the Ogee curves by using non permanent dermal fillers.
The procedure is minimally invasive which takes about 30-45 mins. There will be minimal bruising of about 2-3 mm around the insertion points on each side of her cheeks. The fullness will develop over time and achieving its maximal effect by the end of the two weeks. The longevity of the filler generally lasts up to 12 to 18 months, depending on the metabolism of an individual. Some people will break down the fillers more quickly than the others. Starting cost is about $550 (1ml) to $1000 (2 ml). I would recommend clients to start with 0.5ml to each side (ie 1ml in total) first, wait for two weeks and see if they would like further treatments. This is ideal for clients who would to see a more gradual improvement over time.
Draw a line from corner of the eye to the corner of the mouth.
Draw a line from edge of the nostril to the middle of the ear - Tragus.
The lines intersecting will indicate the location of the apex of the cheek as seen as a STAR.
In Melanie's case, the apex (light reflection of the cheek) is located at the CIRCLE (it has moved lower down the cheek and loss of Ogee Curve definition). The loss of definition of Ogee curve is often due to loss of subcutaneous tissue secondary to any significant weight loss or aging.
LEFT: Side view
RIGHT: Top view (note the subtle Ogee Curve)
Note the light reflect / apex of the cheek location - indicated as the "Star" in the picture above.
Note the reflection of the light at the cheek and the new Ogee Curve.
0.8ml Filler to each side. 0.2ml to top lip. Total volume 2ml.
1. Type of filler
2. Amount (in volume) of filler
3. Individual metabolism
4. Client care
In skilled hands, collateral benefits can be seen in many cosmetic treatments. In Melanie's case above, the rebuilding of the Ogee Curve not only has improved the location of the light reflection at the cheek bones, it has also softened her smile lines (nasolabial folds). Gone are the days where we are chasing the lines, this is one of the better ways where you can achieve good collateral benefits. Consider it an investment.
If you have any further questions, please call us on 9432 9177 and make an appointment to see Dr Louisa ONLINE BOOKING.